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The Art and Cost to Following Jesus

Guest Blog Contributor Nicole Longoria

I never understood the cost of following Jesus. I never understood the actual walk itself when I would hear about it as a teenager.

It could be that I never really heard the Gospel proclaimed or shown to me in a simple way.

 It could be that my teenage self was too self-focused rather than God-focused.

It wasn’t until the day I finally accepted Jesus Christ as my Lord and Savior in my mid-twenties, where it began. When I began to truly see the art and cost of following Jesus.

We hear of the good news, we hear of baptisms and testimonies, we read the Bible, then are left wondering exactly what this walk entails.

 As I read my Bible I came across Matthew 16:24, “Then Jesus told his disciples, ‘If anyone would come after me, let him deny himself and take up his cross and follow me.’” It left me wondering what this actually meant: to deny oneself and to pick up our cross and follow.

Christ suffered and endured much. He was mocked, scolded and rejected by his own people. But when it happens to us, we are left questioning if we are even doing the right thing. We thought following Jesus meant life to the full (which, indeed it does), but somewhere along the way we also adopted the lie that “when we follow Jesus we will have a suffering and trial free life.”

I was there. The lie I once believed left me doubting and questioning God. “Am I doing what is right for you? Do you not see me serving you? I thought we are to have life to the fullest with you?”It’s hard to admit this but it’s the honest truth. It was the Lord who showed me I can’t earn my way to heaven. Salvation was bought with a price - the precious blood of His Son Jesus. I had it all wrong at the beginning, but I am so thankful for His conviction and teaching.

Years later, I see many people with the same thoughts, doubts and questions I once had.

Now please stick with me here. Yes, when we accept Jesus Christ as our Lord and Savior, we have a life of freedom. We are now no longer bound to death because we laid our selves down, denied our flesh unto death much like Jesus and were raised in new life with Christ, just as Jesus modeled for us. But that next part is what we tend to forget, or what I forgot.

“Take up his cross and follow me.” 

Oh how I wish my mid twenty-year-old self would have known what this meant… but so thankful for the Lord's wisdom, guidance, love, mercy, and patience in showing me what this means and how there is hope.. a beautiful hope in these words.

As we first deny ourselves, no longer wanting to live in our old ways of habit but rather to live anew in Christ, we then are told to pick up our cross. We all have a cross to carry and it's the cross Jesus carried too. A cross filled with mocking, hate, rejection, suffering. Jesus had one goal, one thing in mind. Eternal Glory and salvation for the people he loves.

Picking up our cross does not mean we will live an easy life, but rather the opposite. Jesus tells us this in John 16:33, “I have said these things to you, that in me you may have peace. In the world you will have tribulation. But take heart; I have overcome the world.”

What a beautiful reminder knowing that Jesus knows exactly how it feels, and how we feel, because he walked it too. We are to be reminded to take heart because He has overcome the world.

The Greek word for take heart is tharseo, which initially means “to have courage and be of good cheer.”

Are we to deny that the walk of Christ is hard? No, He didn’t say that. Jesus said to take heart. He says to count it all joy when we meet various trials (James 1:2). Just like He said to me continually (and to you too) - take heart Daughter… “be not discouraged nor be dismayed for I am the Lord your God who goes before you,” Deuteronomy 31:8. Friend, none of us want to walk the sufferings in this life or experience rejection, because it hurts. Nor do we want to encounter various trials. But this is the good work of the Lord, the part of picking up our cross and following Jesus. This is us, becoming more like Christ and less of ourselves by enduring through carrying our cross.

When we begin to count it all joy, when we begin to view our sufferings in this present world as a small journey to something better, when we begin to pick up our cross daily, we begin to see the journey through the Father’s lens. We begin to see the beautiful art of following Jesus.In case you’re not into art, let me clarify that I wasn’t either. But art can truly be so beautiful. At the beginning it may appear to be just splatters and splashes all around. Or consider when painting a mosaic piece for a window - it may be hard to see the masterpiece while it’s in the works. But when it's all done, you see the finished masterpiece, what was created out of a mess. You now see that the drips, the splatters, and the streaks are all intricately woven into this beautiful piece signifying one meaning and one purpose. And this is what the art of following Jesus means, that though my trials and my sufferings may differ from yours, yours is a masterpiece too and both are in the hands of our Savior. It’s all being led by the One who holds our future. And what a beautiful hope it is…

It truly is a beautiful art and cost to follow Jesus. It is worth every trial we face knowing our Lord Jesus Christ comforts, guides, leads, and walks with us. We are never left alone in our walk with Christ. What an honor and privilege it is to deny ourselves, pick up our cross, and follow our Lord and Savior.

And may you be encouraged dear friend, when you meet various trials, walk through difficult seasons, when faced with giants, that it's an honor to do these with the Lord. Count it all joy dear friend, praise your way through it, worship your way through it, pray your way through it. For the journey has a purpose to serve you well.

My Prayer for You:

“Abba Father, forgive us for the times we think life should be made easy when Jesus’ life was not. Your Son, Jesus, endured so much, yet, he chose willingly to go through it for us. Because of your love for Him and us. So we could have life, and life to the full now and forever more in your eternal glory. When trials come our way, when we walk sufferings, when persecution or rejection stings, remind us of the cross and the great reward set before us. Help us to keep our eyes fixed on you and not the current circumstance, storm, or trial. Give us, Lord, as we pick up our cross, the strength to endure it and carry it Lord each and every day, honoring you and glorifying your name, for your name is worthy of it all. Show us Lord, by the power of the Holy Spirit to live for you faithfully and honorably, and as we go therefore to make disciples, just as you have told us to do, may we be Holy Spirit equipped, showing them in our own actions and speech, revealing more of who you are, speaking of truth and only your truth Jesus. Thank you Jesus for the willing sacrifice you did for us. Thank you for setting the example to live in humility and to live for you. I praise your name, we love you so much, in Jesus name, Amen.”

What You Can Do To Be Encouraged In Your Seasons Of Picking Up Your Cross:

1. Remind yourself of the cross

2. Cling to our Savior

3. Delve in the Word of God

4. Meditate on the Word of God

5. Read stories of others who walked through hard seasons, including the stories in the Bible

6. Find prayerful warrior friends to become your battle buddy

7. Worship

About the Author

Nicole is a devoted follower of Christ, wife, mother to 6 including twin miracles boys, and she is a learner of all things homesteading. She has walked her fair share of trials, sufferings, and storms in life which drew her closer to her Lord and Savior. She writes words of encouragement to help sisters in Christ in their walks of life. You can connect with Nicole on her website, or on instagram |

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